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Wexford Science Café: Climate Change and Wexford In-Person
Conversation with Professor Conor Murphy, Maynooth University, on lessons from the past and thinking about the future.
County Wexford native Conor Murphy works on assessing long-term observations to understand how climate is changing. He also works with climate model projections for the future to understand what the impacts of climate change may be and how we can plan to adapt to them in creating a more resilient society, economy and environment.
Conor will talk about insights on climate change from Wexford including how rainfall patterns are changing, signals in our weather records, coastal erosion and sea level rise and impacts of climate change for coastal communities, farming and water supplies.
Conor is director of the Irish Climate Analysis and Research UnitS (ICARUS) and of the MSc Climate Change, based in the Department of Geography, Maynooth University. He is a member of the National Climate Change Adaptation Committee. He has published papers in several leading international journals, as well as book chapters and policy reports.
Booking is essential for this event.
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Address Mallin St., Wexford, Y35 AY20
Phone +353 53 9196760
Email wexfordlib@wexfordcoco.ie
Librarian Hazel Percival
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