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![From local song collections to Newfoundland and Appalachian song connections - Aileen Lambert](https://dbjywyrc2efmd.cloudfront.net/data/feat_img/4135/8033/1720703511.png)
From local song collections to Newfoundland and Appalachian song connections - Aileen Lambert In-Person
Aileen Lambert is a traditional singer, curator, facilitator, song-collector, and songwriter. She has undertaken numerous innovative community based local song collection projects in County Wexford which have resulted in a series of songbooks with accompanying recordings. Her research into songs connecting Ireland with Newfoundland, CA and the Appalachian region in the US has uncovered a wealth of songs, stories and similarities. Aileen will share some jewels from these three collections in her presentation.
This event will include a musical performance. Booking is essential as places are limited. Book online or phone: 053 9196760. Should you require additional support to attend this event, please contact Wexford Library on 053-9196760.
Event Organizer
Contact Details for Wexford Town Library
Address Mallin St., Wexford, Y35 AY20
Phone +353 53 9196760
Email wexfordlib@wexfordcoco.ie
Librarian Hazel Percival
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