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Happy to Chat Conversation Hour In-Person
Following the success of the pilot ‘Happy to Chat’ Café initiative rolled out in Summer 2023, the initiative is now to extend with local businesses and organisations encouraged to get involved.
Wexford Public Libraries are also getting involved, with Happy to Chat cards to be placed on tables in your local library and the monthly library conversation hour at Wexford Town Library to be rebranded as the ‘Happy to Chat’ Conversation Hour.
In Wexford Library this happens at 11:00am on the second Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome.
Event Organizer
Wexford Town Library
Contact Details for Wexford Town Library
Address Mallin St., Wexford, Y35 AY20
Phone +353 53 9196760
Email wexfordlib@wexfordcoco.ie
Librarian Hazel Percival
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