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Grúpa Comhrá Gaeilge / Irish Conversation Group

Grúpa Comhrá Gaeilge / Irish Conversation Group In-Person

Má tá suim agat sa Ghaeilge agus gur mhaith leat a bheith páirteach i ngrúpa comhrá neamhfhoirmiúil do dhaoine fásta, beidh fáilte romhat -

Dáta: Dé Máirt, 11 Feabhra

Am: 7:00pm

Suíomh: Leabharlann Ros Mhic Thriúin

Is cuma cén leibhéal atá agat – tá fáilte roimh chách. Seo deis iontach chun an teanga a fhoghlaim, cabhrú le daoine eile, agus smaointe a roinnt ar an Grúpa Gaeilge a neartú.

Tá fáilte roimh gach leibhéal.

If you are interested in the Irish language and would like to join an informal adult conversation group, you're welcome -

Date: Tuesday, 11th February
Time: 7pm 
Location: New Ross Library

It doesn't matter what your level is – everyone is welcome. This is a great opportunity to learn the language, help others, and share ideas on strengthening the Irish Language Group.

All levels are welcome.

Booking essential. Please Register below

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
New Ross Library (Map )
Library branches:
New Ross Library
Registration has closed.

Booking essential. 

Should you require any additional supports to enable you to fully participate in this or any library event, please contact New Ross library on 051 421877.

Event Organizer

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New Ross Library


Contact Details for New Ross Library

Address Barrack Lane, New Ross, Co.Wexford. Y34 NW56
Phone +353 51 421877
Email newrosslib@wexfordcoco.ie
Librarian Paul Daly
Facebook New Ross Facebook Page

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