Event box

Autumn/ Winter La Leche League at Gorey Library In-Person
Join the La Leche League for a monthly meeting at Gorey Library.
La Leche League of Ireland is a voluntary organisation which provides free information and support to all those who want to breastfeed or give their babies human milk.
Our Mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, information, encouragement, education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
All La Leche League Leaders are volunteers who have enjoyed nursing their own babies and who see the importance of helping other mothers develop a happy breastfeeding relationship. They have completed an internationally accredited training programme and continue to attend regular training.
Our Leaders are familiar with breastfeeding techniques as well as current research. They organise monthly meetings and and can be contacted at any time by telephone or via various social media channels. La Leche League Leaders also give talks at antenatal classes, sit on breastfeeding committees and are available as a reference source for medical professionals.
Booking is required.
If you need additional assistance to attend this event, please contact the library on 05394 83820 or goreylibrary@wexfordcoco.ie
Event Organizer
Contact Details for Gorey Library
Address: Gorey Civic Square
The Avenue,
Co. Wexford
Y25 WK37
Phone:+ 353 53 9483820
Email: goreylib@wexfordcoco.ie
Librarian: Mary Kearney
Facebook: Gorey Library Facebook Page